Low Emission Flares

How It Works

The LEF is an innovative technology that utilizes a metal fiber mat, constructed from a Fecralloy base metal, to anchor the flame to the burner head. Methane gas is extracted by traditional methods, then enters the LEF unit and is mixed with outside air to create a fully premixed gas/air mixture. Once the gas and air are mixed, the flow enters the burner where it is ignited, then burns in a uniform blue flame pattern, similar to thousands of small Bunsen burners, across the surface of the burner. The unit is controlled by a variable frequency air blower that adjusts based on stack temperature, to ensure emissions are maintained at the desired level. 


The LEF is becoming the new standard because of its incredibly low NOx and CO emissions. The LEF system is able to maintain NOx emissions less than 15 ppm and CO emissions less than 10 ppm, regardless of the flow, gas composition, pressure, time of year or weather conditions. Traditional open flares and enclosed flares emit more than 75ppm of both NOx and CO emissions, and these emissions are affected by ambient weather conditions. The LEF unit is also capable of maintaining a 99.99 percent destruction efficiency, while traditional flaring technology is only capable of achieving 98 percent.

In addition to the low emissions, the LEF also offers many important site features. The LEF unit has a small and compact design, approximately 50 percent smaller than comparable technology. The total height of the unit is less than 20 feet tall, and the footprint is approximately 10 x 10 feet. This allows the unit to be efficiently installed in only a few days. The LEF unit also operates at a low noise level because the flame is hidden, and soot and smoke are not involved in the combustion process. 

The LEF comes with a 100 percent performance guarantee, including: 

  • 99 percent CxHy < 10ppm destruction efficiency of non-methane organic compounds.
  • NOx < 15 PPM or <0.024 lbs/mmBTU
  • CO < 10 PPM or 0.009 lbs/mmBTU
  • True Turn Down ratio of 10:1
  • Combustion down to 120 BTU/cf3

Applications for LEF

  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Landfill – Biogas
  • CDM and Kyoto Protocol
  • Biofuels (Ethanol)
  • Syngas and Hydrogen Facilities
  • Oil and Gas Production
  • Refinery and Petrochemical
  • Marine and Barge Terminals
  • Gas Processing
  • Dehy Facilities
  • Tank Batteries and Tank Farms